一、邮件模板Dear Marie ,l suggest we change the outer carton to 3-layer corrugated carton. The ones in last order were just 2-layer items,and were easily broken when delivery.You do the mail order business ,and the packaging for each item is really important. Each carton should pass the drop test,to make sure the boxes are solid enough to protect the goods inside.The unit price has to be added USD 0.40/ pc. Let's go 50 and 50,OK?Best regards ,Maggie二、常用语句1. Let's go 50 and 50.我们一人承担一半吧。
2. I'm sure that you will agree that improving the packaging is reasonable.我相信您会同意,改进包装很合理。
3. l think there is still some room for improvement.我认为这个产品依然有改进空间。
4.I'm thinking of building a new tooling for replacement.我在考虑打一套新的模具来替代。
5. What about using heat transfer printing instead of silk printing?为什么不用热转印来代替丝网印剧?当产品出现缺陷时,卖家可以参考上述内容向外贸客户提出改进方案。
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